Saturday, May 2, 2009

#5: Can't Buy Me Love (1987)

Can't Buy Me Love is a 1987 film directed by Steve Nash... sorry Rash starring a young and scrawny Patrick Dempsey and a bunch of 'where are they now' tv specials. Moving on.

The plot is this: Ronnie Miller, that's Patrick's character, wants nothing more then to be popular and he always figured if he dated a girl like Cindy Mancini (Amanda Peterson, who disappeared in 1995. Dead? Who knows... better yet, who cares?) who is an uber popular blonde who cheerleads. Then one very expensive suede outfit later Cindy ends up owing Ronnie 1000 bucks and what does he want in return for his hard earned dough? A one month relationship. One... month. Definitely not worth it, but whatever, it's the 80's, i'll let it slide. So yeah, that's about it. Oh, sorry, and hijinx ensue as Ronnie becomes a totally hot jerk as his new found popularity goes to his head.

This movie is, in my opinion, the quintessential 80's teen movie. The Clothes - ridiculous, the hair - outta control, the plot - predictable and cheesy. It's fun and I like it.

As I just mentioned this movie is fun and I like it, nay, love it. Patrick Dempsey is seriously adorable. Seriously. Like, adorable. Seriously, he's adorable. Just watch it. There's a 83% chance you wont hate it and a 67% chance you'll love it, as I do.

I don't really have any problems with this movie. Mostly because it's exactly what it set out to be -a cheesy date movie. You can't fault a stripper for being a hoe, it's their job. So chill.

Annnnd this is all I've got to say.

Now go watch this movie. Go... GO! Seriously, like, now. Bye.

- Courtenay