Monday, February 23, 2009

#2: Death at a Funeral (2007)

Death at a Funeral is a 2007 British Film directed by Frank Oz, The Stepford Wives (2004), Bowfinger (1999) [with my guy, Robert Downey Jr.]. He is famous for such voice acting as Starwars' Yoda and pretty much every Sesame Street character there is.

'Chaos ensues when a man tries to expose a dark secret regarding a recently deceased patriarch of a dysfunctional British family' is the synopsis of this retched film.

I'm about to go on an angry rant, if you were a fan of this film and wouldn't take kindly to me picking it apart until there's nothing left but a sad, little, old man doing a Yoda impression banging on the front doors of Lucas Ranch, screaming for another chance, click the red X in the top right hand corner of this window, thanks.

Not only did I find this dark comedy neither dark nor funny but I also found it slower then George Bush, on a good day. It just dragged on... and on... I saw so many perfect cutting points, but this film was so full of itself it let every single scene drag out as if hoping a joke might find itself on the way. I found no jokes. It's trying so hard to be dry but it always end up slap sticky. "Oh look, that man has feces on his face! Check that out, the creepy dwarf is a black mailing, house wreaking gay! Look there, it's the pasty naked guy from A Knights Tale and he's naked again! Ha-ha-ha!" Don't get me wrong, I love slap stick (hello, huge Kevin Smith fan typing!) but it all falls flat. I saw every joke before they were said, every plot twist before they happened. It's a frustratingly unfunny and agonizingly predictable film I beg you to avoid at all costs.

You've seen it before.

What a waste of 90 minutes.

Courtenay, out.